Success Will Happen When Parents & Students Work Together!

Did You Know Practicing Can Be Fun and Easy?

By using a few simple ideas and techniques, practicing can be a positive and happy experience for both parents and students. Find great ideas on our Practice Help page.

Share in Your Child's Learning Experience

There are many things you can do to help your budding pianist to learn and love the piano — even with your busy schedules. Find ideas for helping your child on our Ways to Help Your Child page.

Want to Participate With Lessons and Practicing, But Overwhelmed With a Busy Schedule?

No problem! There are many EASY and simple things you can do to help your child feel motivated to practice, to stay in lessons, and to feel confident and excited about music.  Find great ideas for motivating our child on our Practice Motivation Ideas page.

Have No Music Experience, But Still Want to Help Your Child?

No problem! Check out our music dictionary to understand the terms and symbols in your child’s music. Find tons of great ideas to help your child when he/she has questions, and enjoy games that you can play with your child — no music experience required! Please check out the links above for these and other helpful ideas.

Give Your Child the Best Chance to Succeed

Find the right teacher for your child. The right teacher can make all the difference for you and your child.

Practicing With a Goal in Mind

A goal in mind and good concentration will give fast and easy results — even if your child only practices a few minutes a day.s

Practice Help

Does your child sometimes feel stuck on a piece and not know how to practice it the best? If so, we can help! Find great ideas on our Practice Help page.

Practice Motivators

The best way to keep your child interested in practicing, even when it gets tough, is to provide incentives and rewards. Find a wealth of ideas for how you can motivate your child to practice.


Music games are a great way to learn music concepts. At Piano Discoveries there are many wonderful computer games, card games, memory games and more to choose from and enjoy.  Check out our Games.

Provide students with a fun and exciting way to practice elementary theory terms.  This crossword puzzle includes 10 early elementary music terms and definitions — tie, whole note, repeat sign, quarter note, half note, bar line, slur, double bar line, measure and staff.