Lesson Materials & Worksheets

Save Time and Money with Ready-Made Lesson Materials and Worksheets!

Organized materials and assignments will save time in the lesson and help students practice better at home. Please look through the options below and enjoy them in your studio.

Using the Lesson Materials and Worksheets

  1. Save time writing instructions and assignments for students.
  2. Provide clear instructions for students to see at home.
  3. Print out ready-made threory and history drills for students.
  4. Provide consistency and organized materials in lessons.
  5. And MUCH more…

Additional Aids

Check out our Piano Discoveries Printables & Worksheets! Explore additional ideas for teaching concepts in a fun and exciting way with Games.

Provide students with a fun and exciting way to practice elementary theory terms.  This crossword puzzle includes 10 early elementary music terms and definitions — tie, whole note, repeat sign, quarter note, half note, bar line, slur, double bar line, measure and staff.