Ways to Help Your Child

A child who is supported in his/her musical study will love to learn! There are many simple things that parents can do to help your child succeed.

An Ideal Practice Environment

One simple way to be involved is to provide a good practice environment.

  1. Provide a quiet place for your child to practice, free of interruptions and distractions, such as vacuuming, TV, talking, siblings, etc.
  2. Keep an in-tune piano. A piano should be tuned at least once a year, if possible.  Or, if affording an acoustic piano is not possible the next best option is to provide a good keyboard with weighted keys and foot pedals.
  3. Make sure there is plenty of light available.
  4. Have a supply of pencils nearby.
  5. Store music books in a convenient place near the piano.

Consistency and Support are the Key to Raising Children who Love to Play the Piano.

  1. Say encouraging words regularly.
  2. Show up to piano lessons on time, and consistently attend.
  3. Check to make sure your child’s music assignments are done before lessons.  You can do this just like checking to make sure school homework is done for the next day.

Go the Extra Mile

A little extra time and effort can make all the difference.

  1. One of the best things you can do is to help your child set appropriate goals, and then provide a reward when he/she achieves those goals.
    1. Get Reward ideas here.
  2. Drill flashcards regularly.
    1. No musical experience is required – the answers are on the back of the cards!
    2. Spending only 5 minutes a day (or less!) on flashcard drills will dramatically improve your child’s chance of success.
  3. Create motivational opportunities for your child.
    1. Discover ways to motivate your child.
  4. Play musical games
    1. Check out a list of game ideas that you can play with your child.

And above all, remember that music is FUN!  So, have fun with it!

Provide students with a fun and exciting way to practice elementary theory terms.  This crossword puzzle includes 10 early elementary music terms and definitions — tie, whole note, repeat sign, quarter note, half note, bar line, slur, double bar line, measure and staff.