Musical Quotes

Do you love to read quotes about music from famous musicians, authors, or other notable people?  We do too.  In fact, we have dedicated an entire page on our website to just appreciating and exploring quotable music quotes!

Here are a few examples:

Julie Andrews — “Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.”

Igor Stravinsky — “Too many pieces of music finish too long after the end.”

William Shakespeare — “The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils.”

There are several different ways you can find quotes on our Music Quotes page:

  1. You can read the daily quote at the top of the screen, and then easily scroll through more musical quotes by clicking on “…(Next Quote).”
  2. Or you can search for something more specific by using the “Search for:” section.  Change the search function to specify “first name” or “last name” or quote, type in a name or snippet of a quote and see what is available.

There are hundreds of free musical quotes that you can explore!  We hope that you have fun and enjoy.

Provide students with a fun and exciting way to practice elementary theory terms.  This crossword puzzle includes 10 early elementary music terms and definitions — tie, whole note, repeat sign, quarter note, half note, bar line, slur, double bar line, measure and staff.